I have a floor to ceiling chalkboard in my kitchen, and I love it. I’ve only had it for about a month and a half but I’ve been thoroughly entertained by it. It’s a great little creative outlet, and including a calendar has definitely helped my household become more organized. Now if only we could get the rest of the kitchen renovation finished…

Anyway, now that Halloween has passed we’re officially (“officially” as far as I’m concerned) in the holiday season, and it’s my chalkboard’s time to shine. Pinterest is FULL of amazing Christmas chalkboard ideas, from fonts to images, to quotes, and now I have to narrow it down and decide just what I want to express. I love the old-school fonts and vintage-inspired imagery, but my artistic skills are limited…
I’ve gathered a few inspiration pics based on what I think I can do. So now I have to figure out how to turn these images into a creation of my own. It’s still early November, but something tells me it’s going to take a while, so I need to start planning now!

I love the whole vibe of this one. The buildings might be above my skill level, but they’re super cute and might be worth trying.
I love the intricate detail in these ornaments. I’m not sure that my hand is steady enough, but I might give one of two of them a try.

I included this image because it has so many sweet Christmas chalkboard ideas packed into one. I love the little birds in particular.
I’m not sure that I’ll have enough room for a quote of this size, but of all the Christmas chalkboard quotes I’ve seen, this is by far my favourite.
How cute is this? I can definitely see myself trying to do something similar. Possibly by cutting it in half down the middle so that it looks like it’s growing out the side of my chalkboard.
Clearly I have a lot of work ahead of me. But I promise I’ll post my creation when it’s complete!