Let me start by saying that hot yoga is not for everyone. Most of the people I suggest it to refuse to even try. The thought of exercising in the heat and humidity turns them right off. To each his/her own, obviously, but I think that saying ‘no’ without giving it a chance is a mistake. Hot yoga is one of the best things I’ve ever done for my health – both physical and mental.
Let me be perfectly clear that I am not a health practitioner, not am I a fitness expert. I’m just a person who tried hot yoga one day and fell in love with it.
Here are some of the things hot yoga did for me.
Improved Flexibility
When I started hot yoga I couldn’t even touch my toes. A few weeks later when I got on the mat the tips of my fingers brushed my big toe, and a few months after that my palms were flat on the floor next to my feet. The difference over the course of the year was really significant. The heat really loosened me up and made it easier to sink into poses. Having said that, it’s important when practising hot yoga not to overextend and cause an injury.

Reduced Stress
When I started hot yoga I was going through a particularly difficult time in my life. I was suffering from depression and anxiety and I really needed something to help settle my mind. I’ll never say that it was a cure, but over time those classes became instrumental in keeping me calm.
Boosts Mood
No matter how depressed or anxious I was before going to class I always – 100% of the time – felt better afterwards. My body always felt wrung out, but I was noticeably happier and more at peace. I’ve seen a lot of articles that get into the science of why people feel this way after a session in the heat, I can’t speak to that, but whatever it is, it works!
Improved Skin
Whenever I sweat I feel like it’s going to make my skin worse, but the opposite has turned out to be true with hot yoga. I’ve actually noticed that my skin is better, glowing even. All that sweat (and there’s A LOT) seems to have cleared out my pores and made things better.
Builds Strength
Much like regular yoga, hot yoga is fantastic for building strength. My legs, arms and core are much stronger than they were a few years ago, and I’ve even seen some (gasp!) muscle definition.

Promoted Mindfulness
I always try to get to class at least 15-20mins early so I can lie on my mat in the silence and absorb the heat. It’s the one part of my day where there’s no phone, no one talking to me, and no distractions. It’s a great opportunity to meditate and the heat helps me focus my mind. And the great part is that I can often carry that feeling of peace with me to other parts of the day.
Helps with Heat
I remember the first really hot summer day that I went to a hot yoga class. It seemed a bit crazy but my instructor said that people who practice hot yoga in the summer can often tolerate the hot weather better than those who don’t. And she was right! I found that in those dog days of summer the heat didn’t bother me as much as it seemed to bother other people.
Builds Confidence
Before I went to my first class I lacked confidence about my body and what it could do. I very quickly learned that no one at yoga class cares. Everyone is focused on themselves and their own practice. Over time, as I stared at myself in the mirror during class, I realized that my body was amazing and it was doing amazing things. That confidence I gained on the mat came with me off the mat and it has translated into many different areas of my life.
Hot yoga may or may not be for you, but if you’re even slightly interested I highly recommend giving it a try. It made a difference in my life from the very first class, and I’m incredibly grateful that I found it. Just be sure if you try it to bring a good water bottle and drink a lot of water so you can rehydrate. That sweat that pours out of you is no joke!