Epoxy river tables are incredibly hot right now. It seems like they came out of nowhere, and now all of a sudden I’m seeing them all over the place. Houzz, Etsy, Pinterest, you name it.
I have to admit, up until recently I wasn’t a fan. I thought they looked a bit cheesy and were only suited to office boardrooms and waiting rooms. However, I’m slowly coming around.
If you read this blog regularly you know my husband is a carpenter, and a couple of weeks ago he decided to try this technique out. I told him right from the get-go that I didn’t want one in the house because I’m not a fan, but he figured he could convince me.

Even though I’m not a huge fan of the style, I have a lot of respect for the craftsmanship involved, and I wanted to see how it was made. I watched as he made the attempt, and make no mistake, it’s not easy. A lot of patience and expertise is required.

This is the finished result, and I do like it, but I have to admit, I still don’t really want it in my house. The turquoise colour just doesn’t suit. However, it was brought to my attention that you can also make these with black epoxy, and that, my friends, is a game-changer.
Check out these examples I found on Etsy.
What I really appreciate about these river tables is that you can use beautiful pieces of wood that have cracks and holes and turn them into pieces of art. So even though the traditional blue still isn’t for me, I might be willing to give a black river table a try.
So what do you think? When it comes to river tables is it a yay or a nay?