How High Should I Hang Artwork?

If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard this question I would be a very rich woman.

Here’s the scoop –
The height at which you should hang artwork can vary depending on factors such as the size of the artwork, the height of the ceiling, and the viewing distance. However, a general guideline according to experts is to hang the center of the artwork at eye level.

For most people, this typically means the center of the artwork should be around 57-60 inches (145-152 cm) from the floor to the center of the artwork. This measurement ensures that the artwork is easily viewable without straining the neck or eyes.

Now, what if you have multiple pieces? Figure out how you want to group them together and then think of them as a single unit. The centre of the group becomes the centre of “the artwork”.

If you’re hanging artwork above furniture, such as a sofa or a console table, it’s often recommended to leave around 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) of space between the bottom of the artwork and the top of the furniture. But, as you can see from the photo above, sometimes sticking to that guideline isn’t always feasible – so you have to use your judgement about what’s best for your space.

Remember, these are just guidelines, and personal preference and the specific context of the room will influence your decision when it comes to where you hang artwork. It’s always a good idea to use your judgment and experiment with the placement to see what looks best in your space. Additionally, consider the scale and proportions of the wall and the artwork itself when determining the ideal height for hanging.

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